Our special guest for this month’s meetup was Julian Widera, Brewery Manager and a Shareholder at the Lost Watering Hole in Lancefield. Julian talked us through his experience of starting breweries and how he partnered up with 9 other skilled businesspeople in the local area to establish this startup on a green-fields site in a small country town. The business now operates under the management of a small Board that represents the 10 partners. Three years of planning and two years of successful operation now sees their 100-seat restaurant regularly at full capacity. Yes, they make more money from food than beer! Julian attributes getting local feedback as one of their success factors. Also, the fact that they can sell their own beers and specialist lemonades and not have to rely on wholesale in competition with so many other craft brews. For more information on The Lost Watering Hole go to: https://lostwateringhole.com/