Global Ecosystem Resources

The recent Global Entrepreneurship Congress held in Australia resulted in the launch of new resources that help you tap into international markets and resources.

Message from Jonathan Ortmans, President Global Entrepreneurship Network, October 2023

As a global community of entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers and ecosystem builders you have become a powerful group of people who trust each other deeply despite coming from very diverse societies within almost every nation on earth. I for one am inspired by you and invigorated for what comes next. 
Here is how we can now get to work.   

Impact Report 2023: Adding to the ways you can already engage through GEN outlined in our just released 2023 Impact Report, we announced at the GEC even more GEN initiatives to help you get involved in entrepreneurship’s global renaissance. For example:   

Government participation: By opening doors at the GEC to representatives from nearly 100 governments across the globe at the Startup Nations Ministerial and Startup Nations Summit sessions, we hope you will see more paths for collaboration and support from your elected officials. 

Policy models, articulated entrepreneurship strategies and public-sector support programs
Through the release last week of our new and improved GEN Atlas portal you can point your government leaders and their advisors to a place where they can find policy models, articulated entrepreneurship strategies and public-sector support programs that tackle the problems they are facing in removing barriers to entrepreneurship in your communities. And the current 300 entries from more than 70 countries is just the beginning for this living resource. 

Policies that motivate startups to scale: In the pages of GEN and Startup Genome’s new Scaleup Report – a longitudinal analysis of the factors and policies that motivate startups to scale – you will find insights and pathways to help your most promising enterprises scale their impact. 
Test business models with investors: Through the new Entrepreneurship World Cup or our new GEN Idea Builders program you can test and then fine tune your business models with investors.  
Future events: At the GEC+ live gatherings scheduled throughout 2024 in Cape Town, South Africa and San Juan, Puerto Rico, those interested in entrepreneurship in Africa and Latin America will be able to focus more deeply in a culturally relevant context.  And to give the whole world another milestone to work towards, we will all gather again at the Global Entrepreneurship Congress in Indiana in the United States in June 2025 to see how much of our world we were able to transform. 

GEC Week Nov 13-19: Our urgent priority is for you to help inspire more of your citizens to join us using Global Entrepreneurship Week from November 13 – 19, 2023. Please get involved and show how entrepreneurship thrives in your community by getting your ecosystem members to host activities and conversations that educate your neighbors and communities about the power of entrepreneurship and to get involved in local efforts to either start companies or help within your ecosystem.   

GEC Melbourne: The impact of your contributions extends far beyond our gathering and has the potential to inspire and empower countless others on their journeys. But if you get discouraged, just look back at where you can find thousands of photos, recordings of all the sessions you missed and much more to take you back to Melbourne and remind you that you are not alone.     

Thank you for your dedication to helping build one global entrepreneurial ecosystem.